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Important Medicaid Alert

Missouri has restarted Medicaid eligibility renewals

Prepare to Renew

The Family Support Division is checking the eligibility of all MO HealthNet (Missouri Medicaid) participants. This is called Medicaid eligibility renewal, or annual renewal.

Follow these steps to make sure you complete your renewal on time:

Report changes, like a new address to the Family Support Division

Watch for an annual renewal form or letter in the mail

Complete renewal form (if you get one) by the deadline in the letter

Need Help?

If you need help completing your Annual Renewal form please call us at 816-889-4797 or email us at insurance@samrodgers.org. You may also ask to speak with a Health Insurance Counselor right now.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

The MO Family Support Division must verify the household information and income for every household with someone who has Medicaid once a year.  MO FSD began doing Annual Renewals in June 2023 and will finish in May 2024.   You may be receiving a 12 page form in the mail asking you to update the information for your household and return the form, signed, and dated by the person the letter is addressed to.  You must also include proof of your household income for the last 30 days, such as pay stubs, a letter from your employer (if you are paid in cash) or your most recent federal income tax return (if you are self-employed).

You can call Sam Rodgers at 816-889-4797 and ask a Health Insurance Counselor to help you.  We can look up your household to see when your Annual Renewal is due.

If you do not return your Annual Renewal everyone in your household who has Medicaid will lose their coverage. However, if you submit your Annual Renewal form and supporting documents within 90 days of the deadline and are later found eligible, you will be reinstated back to when you originally lost coverage.

If you or your child(ren) are found not eligible for MOHealthNet, you can call Sam Rodgers to ask about applying for the Health Insurance Marketplace.  You may be eligible for private insurance coverage and financial help to pay for it.

Yes, Sam Rodgers has staff to help you complete the form and return it with supporting documents such as pay stubs. Just call us at 816-889-4797.

No, you must wait until it is time for your Annual Renewal in order to complete and submit it.