Bob Theis, CPA, BA, MA

Chief Executive Officer

Bob Theis headshot.

 Chief Executive Officer

Bob Theis is the Chief Executive Officer for Sam Rodgers. His main function within our facilities is to remove obstacles so that his team can provide high quality, compassionate, and affordable healthcare. He feels inspired by being able to provide the families that come into our system with any of the services they might need. He has been with Sam Rodgers for 15 years and has never stopped learning about the mission and message that Dr. Sam Rodgers stood for. Bob enjoys the educational aspect that is so integral to the success of the health center. Being able to educate our patients so that they get the best possible outcomes for their health is something he loves about his job. 

Why He Loves Working for Sam Rodgers 

“Dr. Sam Rodgers was an inspiring person. The more I learn about him, the more I appreciate working here. He truly cared about being kind and providing high-quality care for all.”

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